Dienstag, 25. Juni
08:30 - 09:00
Live in Berlin
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Heutzutage stehen Unternehmen vor großen Herausforderungen wie Naturkatastrophen, Pandemien, politischen Unruhen, weltweiten Rezessionen, Kriegen, Terrorismus und wirtschaftlicher/finanzieller Unsicherheit. Um diesen Unwägbarkeiten zu begegnen, müssen Unternehmen ihre strategischen Pläne anpassen. Doch was bedeutet das konkret für das Variantenmanagement?
In dieser Session lernen Sie:
I have been an engineering professional and leader at Siemens since 1996. During this time, I gained a wealth of experience in leading and executing complex portfolios, covering business development & strategy, sales, and project execution.
I am an expert in both the theory and practice of a range of critical areas: strategy, organizational resilience, business agility, complexity, project management, and risk & uncertainty management. The implementation of transformation and change is something I am passionate about, always with a strong focus on customer excellence.
I combined my extensive experience and my deep knowledge of geopolitics and macroeconomics to earn a Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK) in developing resilience against emerging risks and adverse events. The result shows how a framework for resilience can be created to help modern organizations build sustainability in order to not just survive in the face of major unexpected crisis, but to thrive.