Comma Soft AG, founded in 1989, encompasses two business units: IT Consulting and INFONEA®. Since its beginning, Comma Soft counts as an innovation leader at the interface of IT and business in Germany. With its 110 employees, Comma Soft AG serves numerous companies, among them various DAX-listed enterprises. Pioneering In-Memory Technology and state-of-the-art Big Data functionalities, designed for the quick processing of large data stocks, Comma Soft creates competitive advantages for its customers – with new approaches, innovative IT architecture and cutting-edge technology such as Business Intelligence software INFONEA.
Committed to the future-oriented concept of Self-Service BI, INFONEA enables users to analyze company data in detail intuitively and on their own, to visualize the analyses in individual dashboards and to share their insights with others. Since 1996, INFONEA has constantly been further developed with methods and algorithms from particle physics and brain research by physicists, mathematicians, and information scientists of Comma Soft. Enterprises and middle classes rely on INFONEA to quickly and easily benefit from existing company data stocks as well as from internet sources, and to decrease costs per insight.
IT Consulting by Comma Soft AG supports its customers in optimizing or redesigning their IT infrastructure and IT-based business process.